Basler Cameara

Basler offers a wide range of industrial and network cameras for applications in industry, transport and video surveillance, as well as medical and life sciences.

Basler Area Scan Cameras

         Basler’s area scan cameras are designed for industrial users who demand superior image quality and an excellent price/performance ratio.
          You can choose from a broad area scan portfolio that includes monochrome or color models with various resolutions, frame rates, and sensor technologies. 
         All area scan cameras feature standard interfaces that simplify system integration and give you increased flexibility when changing cameras or frame grabbers.

Basler Line Scan Cameras

          Basler's high-sensitivity line scan cameras are designed for industrial users who require high throughput at high image quality. You can choose from a broad line scan portfolio that includes monochrome or color models with various resolutions, interfaces and data rates.

Basler Line Scan Camera

Basler Network Cameras

          Basler’s network camera portfolio includes robust, easy-to-install IP fixed box and IP fixed dome cameras for your network video applications indoors and outdoors.

Basler Network Cameras          Basler IP Cameras are surveillance cameras that impress with ultra-fast frame rates up to 100 frames per second, and resolutions of up to 5 megapixels.            Both Basler IP Fixed Box Cameras and Basler IP Fixed Dome Cameras offer exceptional image quality and very high light sensitivity.

          The deciding factors when choosing a Basler IP Camera are the high image quality under different light conditions and during continuous operation, as well as the high sensitivity. 
         Basler’s network cameras provide high-quality images even under difficult conditions – whether in building surveillance, banking and casino security, or in process or traffic monitoring.

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